3 Errores Comunes Que Reducen Los Puntajes De Credito Cómo Aumentar Su Puntaje De Credito — Semana 3 Tener un puntaje crediticio alto es importante en todo momento, ya sea que vaya a comprar una casa pronto o no. Su puntaje FICO y su informe crediticio son vitales para obtener cualquier tipo de préstamo, y […]
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3 Common Mistakes that Lower Credit Scores How to Get Your Credit Score Up — Week 3 Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not. Your FICO score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series […]
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Es Hora De Preparar Su Hogar Para El Invierno – ¡No Se Demore! El mantenimiento durante el invierno puede evitar daños graves a su hogar y puede hacer que su hogar sea más eficiente energéticamente, ahorrándole dinero a largo plazo. Tómese el tiempo para asegurarse de que el interior y el exterior de su casa […]
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It’s Time To Winterize Your Home – Don’t Delay! Winter maintenance can prevent severe damage to your home and can make your home more energy-efficient, saving you money over the long term. Take the time to make sure the interior and exterior of your home is ready for any harsh weather ahead – snow or […]
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Cómo Prepararse Ahora Para Comprar Una Casa En Este Nuevo Año Comprar una casa requiere mucha preparación y planificación. ¡Es importante poner en orden sus finanzas y realizar otras tareas incluso antes de comenzar a buscar una casa! Tenga en cuenta que esta etapa inicial del proceso de compra no ocurre de la noche a […]
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How To Prepare Now to Buy a Home In This New Year Buying a home takes a lot of preparation and planning. It’s important to get your finances in order and other tasks done before you even start house hunting! Keep in mind that this early stage of the buying process doesn’t happen overnight. It […]
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Desmitificando Su Puntaje De Credito Cómo Aumentar Su Puntaje De Credito – Semana 2 Tener un puntaje de credito alto es importante en todo momento, ya sea que vaya a comprar una casa pronto o no. Su puntaje FICO y su informe crediticio son vitales para obtener cualquier tipo de préstamo, y esta serie le […]
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Demystifying Your Credit Score How to Get Your Credit Score Up — Week 2 Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not. Your FICO score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series will give you […]
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Porqué Tener Una Tarjeta de Crédito Ayuda a Su Crédito Tener un puntaje de credito alto es importante en todo momento, ya sea que vaya a comprar una casa pronto o no. Su puntaje FICO y su informe de credito son vitales para obtener cualquier tipo de préstamo, y esta serie le brindará las estrategias […]
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Why Having a Credit Card Helps Your Credit Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not. Your FICO score and credit report are so vital to getting any type of loan, and this series will give you the financial strategies you need to […]
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When I bought my last home completely by myself, it was a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. I needed someone to help me and explain each and every step of the process. After closing, I was so stressed that I went to my old apartment and fell asleep!
My real estate agent was competent with the basics, but I had to do a lot of the legwork myself and was not made aware of some first time homebuyer programs that were available until after I bought my home.
Through this whole experience, I fell in love with the process, and it made me decide to become the type of real estate agent that is with their buyers every step of the way! Schedule a free consultation now!