12 Questions to Answer Before You Step Foot in an Open House How to Find the Perfect Home for You and Your Budget Series, Week 1 In our 7-part series, How to Find the Perfect Home for You and Your Budget, you’ll learn how to find a home that is the right fit for your […]
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Diga Adiós a Su Seguro Hipotecario Privado (“PMI”) Cuando compró su casa, es posible que haya tenido que obtener un Seguro Hipotecario Privado (PMI), si obtuvo una hipoteca para comprarla. Si es así, es posible que haya estado pagando por un tiempo y podría ser el momento de solicitar a su prestamista que suspenda este […]
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Say Good-bye to Your PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) When you bought your home, you might have had to get Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), if you obtained a mortgage to purchase it. If so, you might have been paying it for a while and it could be time to petition your lender to stop this payment […]
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Estrategias de Ascenso Para “Comprar Primero y Luego Vender” Cómo Mudarse a Su Próxima Casa Con Facilidad – Semana 5 Esta serie de 5 partes es una guía práctica para mudarse a su próximo hogar con el menor estrés posible. Ya que sea la primera vez que asciende o ya lo haya hecho antes, esta […]
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Move-Up Strategies to “Buy First Then Sell” How to Move Up to Your Next Home with Ease – Week 5 This 5-part series is a “how-to” guide for moving up to your next home with as little stress as possible. Whether it’s your first time moving up or you’ve done it before, this series is […]
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La Limpieza de Primavera Debe Hacerse Por Dentro y Afuera Tanto el interior como el exterior de su hogar podrían necesitar una buena revisión para que luzca lo mejor posible y se mantenga en buen estado. Y es por eso que la “limpieza de primavera” y otros trabajos de preparación de temporada deben estar en […]
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Spring Cleaning Must Do’s Inside and Out Both the inside and outside of your home could use a good once-over to make it look its best and keep it well-maintained. And that’s why “spring cleaning” and other seasonal prep work should be at the top of your to-do list for the weeks ahead. You want […]
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No Presione Su Suerte – Evite Estos 6 Errores Al Comprar Su Primera Casa Es a la vez excitante y da un poco de miedo comprar su primera casa. ¡Esa sensación de nerviosismo y de no saber qué esperar es normal! Pero, en lo que no quiere confiar durante este proceso es en la suerte […]
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Don’t Press Your Luck – Avoid These 6 Mistakes When Buying Your First Home It’s both exciting and a little scary to buy your first home. That feeling of nervousness and not knowing what to expect is normal! But, what you don’t want to rely on during this process is luck or chance. Everyone wants […]
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This home sold as the seller has moved on to their next phase of life – although it was bittersweet, owners loved living there it was time to move on. Many happy memories – sellers wished that for the new buyers!! Multiple offers received, first deal fell through but than the perfect buyer came along […]
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When I bought my last home completely by myself, it was a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. I needed someone to help me and explain each and every step of the process. After closing, I was so stressed that I went to my old apartment and fell asleep!
My real estate agent was competent with the basics, but I had to do a lot of the legwork myself and was not made aware of some first time homebuyer programs that were available until after I bought my home.
Through this whole experience, I fell in love with the process, and it made me decide to become the type of real estate agent that is with their buyers every step of the way! Schedule a free consultation now!