¿Debe Obtener Un Préstamo Con Garantía Hipotecaria o HELOC? Como dueño de casa, usted debería haber ganado algo de capital en su vivienda desde que ha vivido ahí, pagando su hipoteca. ¿Alguna vez ha considerado usar este capital para financiar algunas de sus necesidades si no tiene el flujo de efectivo? Un préstamo con garantía […]
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Should You Get a Home Equity Loan or HELOC? As a homeowner, you should have gained some equity in your home since living there and paying your mortgage down. Have you ever considered using this equity to finance some of your needs if you don’t have the cash flow? A home equity loan or line […]
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¿Qué Tan Precisa Es La Estimación Del Internet De Su Casa? ¿Quién no ha consultado los sitios de bienes raíces en línea para obtener estimaciones de precios de su propia casa, la casa de un vecino o incluso una casa en la playa cuando está de vacaciones? ¡La mayoría de nosotros somos culpables de los […]
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How Accurate Is Your Home’s Online Estimate? Who hasn’t checked out online real estate sites for price estimates of their own home, a neighbor’s home, or even a beach house when on vacation? Most of us are guilty as charged! It’s easy to see why these sites and apps are tempting to use since buyers […]
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Cómo Impugnar Su Evaluación de Impuestos De Su Propiedad A los dueños les gusta ver que su casa aumenta de valor; significa que tomó una buena decisión al comprar esta propiedad. ¡Felicitaciones a usted! Pero antes de comenzar a chocar los cinco sobre el valor de su casa, es posible que desee analizar más de […]
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How to Challenge Your Property Tax Assessment Homeowners like to see their home increase in value — it means you made a good decision purchasing this property. Kudos to you! But before you start high-fiving about how much your home is worth, you might want to take a closer look at your tax assessment. Remember […]
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Cuatro Maneras de Financiar Su Renovación Ama su vecindario y todo lo relacionado con el lugar donde vive, pero le gustaría poder hacer algunos cambios en su hogar. Usted no está solo con ese pensamiento. Pero muchos dueños no avanzan porque creen que el financiamiento y la falta de efectivo es un obstáculo para ellos […]
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Four Ways to Finance Your Renovation You love your neighborhood and everything about where you live, but you wish you could make some changes to your home. You’re not alone with this thinking. But many homeowners don’t move forward since they believe that financing and lack of cash is a roadblock for them when it […]
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Plantar un Árbol Puede Ser Fácil y Económico En esta serie de 3 partes, “Haciendo Que Su Hogar Sea Ambientalmente Eficiente”, aprenderá formas de hacer que su hogar sea más eficiente energéticamente y, al mismo tiempo, ahorre dinero a largo plazo. Cuidar el medio ambiente y ser “verde” puede ser más fácil de lo que […]
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Local Programs Make Planting a Tree Easy and Economical In this 3-part series, “Greening Your Home”, you’ll learn ways to make your home more energy-efficient while also saving you money in the long run. Caring about the environment and being “green” can be easier than you think as a homeowner. You can start today! Here’s the […]
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When I bought my last home completely by myself, it was a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. I needed someone to help me and explain each and every step of the process. After closing, I was so stressed that I went to my old apartment and fell asleep!
My real estate agent was competent with the basics, but I had to do a lot of the legwork myself and was not made aware of some first time homebuyer programs that were available until after I bought my home.
Through this whole experience, I fell in love with the process, and it made me decide to become the type of real estate agent that is with their buyers every step of the way! Schedule a free consultation now!