Carmen Cotto-Rivera
Real Estate Broker Salesperson

"Love Where You Live, and Live Where You Love"

Vylla Home 
office: 856-206-0413

Cell:  201-835-5650




   "Love Where You Live, and Live Where You Love"

Vylla Home - office: 856-206-0413

cell:  201-835-5650



Real Estate Broker Salesperson

Vacation Must-Do’s To Keep Your Home Safe and Secure Whether you’re a meticulous vacation planner or more carefree, you don’t want to be laissez-faire or unconcerned when it comes to leaving your home. No one wants to be enjoying a day at the beach and then have that feeling that something is amiss at home. […]

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¿Porqué No Hay Casas En El Mercado? (Y Que Hacer Al Respecto) Si actualmente está buscando una casa (o está pensando en empezar a buscar), puede notar que no hay muchas a la venta – o lo que llamamos “inventario bajo”. Sin muchas viviendas en el mercado, quizás se pregunte ¿cuáles son las mejores estrategias […]

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Why Are There No Homes On The Market? (And What to Do About It) If you are presently looking for a home (or thinking about starting to look) you might notice that there are not many for sale – or what we call “low inventory”. With hardly any homes on the market, you might be […]

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SOLD!! ATTN Rehabbers/Investors – Great Potential REO Property in Burlington County, NJ SOLD! Sold to a saavy investor who will be turning this rough diamond into a sparkling gem! Great location for renters – walk to light rail station, public transportation, stores, restaurants and beautiful riverfront! Address: 605 High St, Burlington City, NJ 08016 Sold […]

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Tareas Pendientes de Verano Para Su Hogar y Jardín ¿Pueden su casa y su jardín soportar el calor y la humedad del verano? No descuide ciertas tareas que protegerán su hogar y le permitirán disfrutarlo al máximo cuando llegue el verano. Tómelo Suave Incluso si hace calor afuera y quiere mantenerse fresco adentro. Obtenga un […]

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Summertime To-Do’s for Your Home and Yard Can your home and yard handle the summertime heat and humidity? Don’t neglect certain tasks that will protect your home and let you enjoy it to the fullest when summer is here. Keep It Cool Even if it’s hot outside and you want to keep in cool inside. […]

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¿Cuál Es La Diferencia Entre Un Condominio y Una Cooperativa? ¿Usted está un poco confundido acerca de la diferencia entre un condominio y una cooperativa? No está solo. Es fácil confundirse, ya que las cooperativas y los condominios se ven similares desde afuera, incluso tienen algunas de las mismas comodidades y la vida de día […]

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What’s the Difference Between a Condo and Co-op? Are you a little confused about the difference between a condominium and a cooperative? You’re not alone. It’s easy to be confused since co-ops and condos do look similar from the outside, even have some of the same amenities, and day-to-day living is pretty comparable.  However, they […]

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¿Qué Es El Seguro De Título ( y porqué tengo que pagarlo cuando compro una casa)? Usted está en el mercado para comprar una casa y aparece un “seguro de título” en el proceso de compra. ¿Está perplejo y no está seguro exactamente de porqué necesita obtenerlo? Aquí hay una sesión de preguntas y respuestas […]

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What Is Title Insurance (and why do I have to pay for it when I buy a home)? You’re in the market to buy a home and up pops “title insurance” in the buying process. Are you stumped and not sure exactly why you need to get it? Here’s a Q&A that should clear up […]

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