The Fed Cut Rates—What It Means For You You’ve probably heard the news…“The Fed cut rates!” But what does this actually mean and how will it affect you when it comes to buying, selling or refinancing a home? Today’s article gets into all the nitty gritty details and what you need to know about what […]
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SOLD!! ATTN: Investors – Great Opportunity – Single Family Home in Browns Mills, NJ (Burlington County) ****Sold thru seller’s auction site – multiple offers received; sold to saavy investor! **** Address: 208 Wichita Trl, Browns Mills, NJ 08015 Sold Price: $217,875 **ATTN Buyer Agents: Seller is offering 1% to buyer brokers!** ATTN: Investors – […]
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Cómo Encontrar Dinero Para Su Pago Inicial, Cuando No Tiene Muchos Ahorros Todo lo que usted cree que se interpone en su camino se puede eliminar si realmente desea convertirse en dueño de casa. De hecho, descubrirá que algunos obstáculos que se perciben comúnmente son solo mitos y no necesitan retrasar más sus sueños. Si […]
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How to Find Money for Your Down Payment — Even When You Don’t Have Much Savings Anything you think is in your way can be removed if you really want to become a homeowner. In fact, you’ll find out that some commonly perceived roadblocks are only myths, and don’t need to delay your dreams anymore. […]
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Comprar Una Propiedad Para Arreglarla y Revenderla Serie Invertir en Bienes Raíces — Semana 4 ¿Alguna vez pensó en tener una propiedad de inversión? ¡Entonces esta serie es para usted! Abarcaré todo lo que debe saber sobre inversiones en bienes raíces, incluidas las diferentes opciones disponibles y cómo hacer que suceda. También obtendrá un resumen […]
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Buying a Property to Fix Up and Resell Investing in Real Estate Series — Week 4 Have you ever thought about owning an investment property? Then this series is for you! I’m covering everything to know when it comes to investing in real estate, including the different options out there and how to make it […]
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Cómo Comprar Una Casa Incluso Con Deudas De Préstamos Estudiantiles Todo lo que crea que se interpone en su camino se puede eliminar si realmente desea ser dueño de casa. De hecho, descubrirá que algunos obstáculos que se perciben comúnmente son solo mitos y que ya no necesita posponer sus sueños. Si usted tiene dudas […]
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How to Buy a Home Even with Student Loan Debt Anything you think is in your way can be removed if you really want to be a homeowner. In fact, you’ll find out that some commonly perceived roadblocks are only myths, and you don’t need to delay your dreams anymore. If you are hesitant about […]
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TEMP OFF THE MARKET: Great Starter Home In Rural Pemberton Twp (Burlington County)! ***HOME IS TEMPORARILY OFF THE MARKET PER SELLER REQUEST. WILL BE COMING BACK ON THE MARKET SOON!!** Address: 13 First Av, Pemberton, NJ Price: TBD **ATTN: Agents – bring your buyers!! Seller is offering 2.5% – $100 to buyer brokers!** Great starter […]
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Los 5 Mitos Más Comunes Sobre La Compra de Casas DESMONTADOS ¿Se está volviendo más importante para usted la idea de tener una casa propia? Es totalmente comprensible que usted llegue a un punto en el que ya no quiera alquilar o quiera una casa que refleje mejor sus necesidades y deseos. Cuando usted compra […]
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When I bought my last home completely by myself, it was a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. I needed someone to help me and explain each and every step of the process. After closing, I was so stressed that I went to my old apartment and fell asleep!
My real estate agent was competent with the basics, but I had to do a lot of the legwork myself and was not made aware of some first time homebuyer programs that were available until after I bought my home.
Through this whole experience, I fell in love with the process, and it made me decide to become the type of real estate agent that is with their buyers every step of the way! Schedule a free consultation now!