Cómo Evitar Los Tres Mayores Errores De Los Dueños De Hogares Todo el mundo quiere evitar estos tres grandes: No se preocupe, hay muchas cosas que usted puede hacer para evitar estos errores. Aquí hay un resumen de los pasos simples que puede seguir para mantener su hogar en óptimas condiciones: qué buscar, cómo prevenir […]
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How to Avoid the Three Biggest Homeownership Blunders Everyone wants to avoid these three biggies: Don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent these blunders. Here’s a rundown of the simple steps you can take to keep your home in tiptop shape – what to look out for, how to prevent […]
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¿Cuánto Tiempo Necesita Poseer Antes De Vender? Recibo esta pregunta tanto de clientes nuevos que están a punto de comprar su primera casa como de clientes que han sido dueños de su casa por un tiempo: “¿Cuánto tiempo debo quedarme mi casa antes de venderla?” Ya sea que desee obtener una ganancia rápida del aumento […]
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How Long Do You Need to Own Before You Sell? I get this question from both new clients who are about to buy their first home as well as clients that have owned their home for a while, “How long should I plan to hold on to my home before I sell?” Whether you want […]
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Cómo Manejar 5 Situaciones De Emergencia En El Hogar Como dueño de casa, es divertido disfrutar de todas las cosas maravillosas de su hogar: un lugar para relajarse, entretenerse o pasar tiempo de calidad con la familia. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando algo sale mal? ¿Sabe qué debe hacer en caso de una emergencia u otra […]
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How To Handle 5 Home Emergency Situations As a homeowner, it’s fun to enjoy all the great things about your home—place to relax, entertain, or spend quality time with family. But what about when something goes wrong? Do you know what needs to be done in case of an emergency or other urgent situation in […]
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Póngase En Marcha Con El Mantenimiento De Su Hogar Debería haber, habría, podría haber. ¡No haga de eso su mantra cuando se trata del mantenimiento de su hogar! El mantenimiento preventivo vale su tiempo y dinero AHORA para evitar costosos desastres en el hogar más adelante. No querrá ser el que diga: “Debería haber sellado […]
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Get Going on Your Home Maintenance Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. Don’t make that your mantra when it comes to your home’s maintenance! Preventative maintenance is worth your time and money NOW to avoid costly home disasters later. You don’t want to be the one saying, “I should’ve caulked those windows for a few bucks a tube,” […]
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20 Consejos de Supervivencia Para Dueños de Viviendas Ser dueño de casa puede ser emocionante y divertido a veces, ¡con mucha libertad para convertirlo en su propio espacio! Sin embargo, como dueño, usted está a cargo de las reparaciones, el mantenimiento, las finanzas y las mejoras a largo plazo. Ya que sea dueño por primera […]
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20 Survival Tips for Homeowners Being a homeowner can be exciting and fun at times, with lots of freedom to make it your own space! As a homeowner, though, you’re the one in charge of any repairs, maintenance, finances, and improvements over the long haul. Whether you’re a first time homeowner or you’ve owned many, […]
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When I bought my last home completely by myself, it was a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. I needed someone to help me and explain each and every step of the process. After closing, I was so stressed that I went to my old apartment and fell asleep!
My real estate agent was competent with the basics, but I had to do a lot of the legwork myself and was not made aware of some first time homebuyer programs that were available until after I bought my home.
Through this whole experience, I fell in love with the process, and it made me decide to become the type of real estate agent that is with their buyers every step of the way! Schedule a free consultation now!