Find Your Best Next Home When Downsizing Downsizing Series — Week 6 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation with it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be embraced […]
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Aproveche Al Máximo Su Casa Actual Serie de Reducción de Personal — Semana 5 La idea de reducir el personal suele tener una connotación negativa. Algo que “tenemos que hacer” o nos vemos obligados a hacer en algún momento de la vida. Estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con esta manera de ver la reducción de personal. […]
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Get the Most for Your Current Home Downsizing Series — Week 5 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation with it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be embraced […]
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Cómo Purgar y Dejar Ir Las Cosas al Reducir De Personal Serie: Reducción de Personal — Semana 4 La idea de reducir el personal suele tener una connotación negativa. Algo que “tenemos que hacer” o nos vemos obligados a hacer en algún momento de la vida. Estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con esta manera de ver […]
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How to Purge & Let Stuff Go When Downsizing Downsizing Series — Week 4 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation with it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should […]
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Cómo Programarlo Correctamente — Comprar y Vender al Reducir el Personal Serie: Reducción de Personal — Semana 3 La idea de reducir el personal suele tener una connotación negativa. Algo que “tenemos que hacer” o nos vemos obligados a hacer en algún momento de la vida. Estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con esta manera de ver […]
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How to Time It Right — Buying and Selling When Downsizing Downsizing Series — Week 3 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation with it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the […]
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Acepte Que Menos Puede Ser Más Al Reducir Lo Personal Serie: Reducción de Personal — Semana 2 La idea de reducir el personal suele tener una connotación negativa. Algo que “tenemos que hacer” o nos vemos obligados a hacer en algún momento de la vida. Estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con esta manera de ver la […]
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Embrace That Less Can Be More When Downsizing Downsizing Series — Week 2 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation with it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be […]
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Introducción a la Serie: La Reducción De Personal Puede Ser la Decisión Correcta Para Usted — 5 Pasos Para Que Sea Una Transición Sin Problemas Aquí está la serie de 6 semanas perfecta, La Reducción de Personal Puede Ser La Medida Adecuada Para Usted — 5 Pasos Para Que Sea Una Transición Sin Problemas, lo […]
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When I bought my last home completely by myself, it was a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. I needed someone to help me and explain each and every step of the process. After closing, I was so stressed that I went to my old apartment and fell asleep!
My real estate agent was competent with the basics, but I had to do a lot of the legwork myself and was not made aware of some first time homebuyer programs that were available until after I bought my home.
Through this whole experience, I fell in love with the process, and it made me decide to become the type of real estate agent that is with their buyers every step of the way! Schedule a free consultation now!