Consejos Para Reducir El Seguro Para Dueños De Casa Serie: Cómo Proteger Su Hogar (Y No Arruinar Su Presupuesto) Esta serie de 4 semanas es imprescindible para todos los dueños. ¡Una vez que compre una casa, ahora es toda su responsabilidad! Pero, ¿está usted realmente preparado para lo inesperado? Esta serie es una excelente descripción […]
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Quick Tips to Lower Your Homeowner’s Insurance How to Protect Your Home (and Not Break Your Budget) Series This 4-week series is a must for every homeowner. Once you buy a home, it’s now all your responsibility! But are you truly prepared for the unexpected? This series is a great overview on what you need […]
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Cuándo Ponerse Al Día Con El Mantenimiento Exterior De Su Hogar El desgaste de su hogar por los elementos exteriores cada temporada es algo que nunca debe ignorar como dueño. El viento, la nieve, el hielo, la lluvia y el sol pueden causar daños durante un período de tiempo si no se controlan. Ya sea […]
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When to Catch Up on Your Home’s Exterior Maintenance The wear and tear on your home from the outside elements each season is something you should never ignore as a homeowner. Wind, snow, ice, rain, and sun can cause damage over a period of time if left unchecked. Whether you’re living in a single-family home […]
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¿Como Saber Que Es Hora De Reemplazar Su Calentador De Agua? ¿Alguna vez has sido el último en tomarse una ducha y se ha quedado sin agua caliente? ¡Podría suceder cuando tiene demasiados invitados que pasan la noche o un miembro de la familia conocido por sus largas duchas! 🙂 Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando su calentador […]
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Should You Replace Your Hot Water Heater? Have you ever been the last one to take a shower and run out of hot water? It could happen when you have too many overnight guests or one family member known for long showers! But, what happens when your hot water heater stops working efficiently on a […]
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Evite Estos Errores De Gasto Que Hacen Nuevos Dueños De Casas Nadie planea gastar dinero a propósito… pero a veces sucede, especialmente cuando se trata de nuestros hogares. Como dueño nuevo de casa (e incluso aquellos que tienen más experiencia), no desea que su entusiasmo por una nueva vivienda aumente sus gastos. Ser dueño de una vivienda […]
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Avoid These First-time Homeowner Spending Mistakes No one plans to waste money purposely… but sometimes it happens, especially when it comes to our homes. As a first-time homeowner (and even those who are more seasoned), you don’t want your excitement over a new home to crank-up your spending. Owning a home already adds new expenses […]
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Asegúrese De Tener Suficiente Seguro De Su Hogar Nunca se sabe si sucederá algo y cuándo, ya sea un gran catástrofe o algo menos destructivo, ¡así que debe estar preparado! Es esencial elegir la compañía adecuada, el precio adecuado y la cobertura adecuada para su situación específica. Tenga en cuenta que el seguro de dueño […]
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Make Sure You Have Enough Homeowners Insurance You never know if and when something will happen — whether it’s a big catastrophe or something less destructive – so you need to be prepared! It’s essential to choose the right company, the right price, and the right coverage for your specific situation. Keep in mind, homeowners […]
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When I bought my last home completely by myself, it was a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. I needed someone to help me and explain each and every step of the process. After closing, I was so stressed that I went to my old apartment and fell asleep!
My real estate agent was competent with the basics, but I had to do a lot of the legwork myself and was not made aware of some first time homebuyer programs that were available until after I bought my home.
Through this whole experience, I fell in love with the process, and it made me decide to become the type of real estate agent that is with their buyers every step of the way! Schedule a free consultation now!